Does a Breastfeeding Support Group conjure up visions of hippie moms pulling up their tie-dyed shirts and whipping out their breasts while they eat granola? If so, you’ve got it all wrong!
A good support group is run by a lactation consultant who understands the complexities of being a breastfeeding mom. It can be a great way to build a community for moms who would otherwise be isolated.
Some moms in these groups are brand new to breastfeeding and some aren’t. The lactation consultant should bring a scale so moms can weigh their babies, and while she can’t do a real consult, she should help with the latch. And…it’s a safe place to breastfeed without covering up!
Much more goes on when moms get together and the facilitator is good. In the groups I’ve facilitated, we’ve talked about:
- normal newborn behavior
- stuff moms read on the internet that they’re wondering about
- pees and poops
- nursing in public
- baby’s weight
- starting solids
- going back to work
- sleep deprivation
- whether or not to “sleep-train”
- whether or not to co-sleep
- baby wearing
- the effect baby has on a relationship
- other parenting issues
It’s always such a joy for me to watch moms support each other, while they grow more confident in their breastfeeding and in themselves.