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One of the challenges moms have when they breastfeed is getting comfortable. There are so many different breastfeeding pillows for sale. How do you know which one to buy or if you really need to buy one at all? A lactation consultant could help in answering this question.

Do you need to use pillows to breastfeed? The answer is yes. Well, at least in the beginning when your baby’s neck isn’t strong enough and you have to support the head. The last thing a mom needs is a sore neck or back as she breastfeeds. Also, because a good latch is imperative for breastfeeding success, pillows are important.  Pillows just make the whole new breastfeeding experience easier.

It’s fun for me to get creative with pillows when I’m working with my clients.
During my 20 plus years as a lactation consultant, it’s part of my job to help moms get as comfortable as they can be when breastfeeding. I’ve worked with many moms who suffer from carpel tunnel syndrome who need even more support for their wrists. The first time I worked with a deaf mom, about 18 years ago, I realized the only way she could talk while breastfeeding was if I figured out a way to get her and her baby supported in such a way that she didn’t need her hands at all once the baby was latched on.

Do you need to buy a “breastfeeding pillow?” Um… not usually. There are plenty of times I go to someone’s house and we use sleeping pillows from the mom’s bed. A medium to firm down pillow usually works well, although it can depend on the size of the baby and the agility of the mom. If the sofa you’re sitting on is deep, putting a pillow behind your back also helps.

Pillows made exclusively for breastfeeding are just tools. It will probably make you more comfortable while you breastfeed. I just don’t want a mom to think she can’t breastfeed unless she spends money on a “breastfeeding pillow.”

If you’re going to buy one, which one should you get?  I’ve been recommending the My Brest Friend for many years  It’s relatively inexpensive and gives very good support. Another one that’s fairly new, that I like, is The Blessed Nest It’s organic and filled with buckwheat. It does a good job at conforming well however, it’s much pricier. Stay away from the Boppy Breastfeeding pillow. Everyone gives it as a shower gift and no one likes it. Go figure… It doesn’t support the baby well.

Remember, in the beginning when you and your baby are learning how to breastfeed, it’s all about the pillows!